What to Look for in a Fireplace Tools Set

After investing in a fireplace, the next thing that most people will do is invest in some quality fireplace tools. It makes sense; the fireplace tools set will be what you will use to move logs, stoke the fire, and generally tend to your hearth. Therefore, you want to make sure that you have a set that will be comfortable for you to use and easy on your hands.

Here are a few tips for selecting a fireplace tools set.

One of the first things that you want to consider is the finish of the fireplace tools set. This will be important if you are buying iron; iron rusts. A glossy black or brass finish is always a classic choice that will look great with any decorating scheme.

Wooden handles are often preferred by people who like more traditional looks and aesthetics, but they can splinter or break easily under heavy use. Be sure to select wood with sturdy construction and tight grain.

The type of handles is another consideration when purchasing a fireplace tools set. Tools with long, thin handles are easier for people with arthritis or hand weakness to hold firmly, while shorter grips can be better for people who want more control over their movements.

Is the fireplace tools set you are considering adjustable?

While many sets are designed with short, medium, and long-handled tools for convenience, some sets are adjustable. A two-handle poker set is a good example of this; they come apart into three tools that can be used interchangeably depending on your needs.

Rake heads need to be sturdy and durable. If they are not, they can become bent or warped, making them useless for your needs. Instead, look for wrought iron fireplace tools set with antler tines or cast iron tines.

If you want an all-purpose fireplace toolset, you may want to consider one with optional components you can use depending on your needs. For example, a shovel for moving logs around and poker or brush for finishing up your fireplace session are both good ideas to consider adding to your set.

Tips for Storing Your Fireplace Tools Set

A well-made fireplace tools set should last you for years, but it is important to store them properly when they are not in use. A good rule of thumb is that if the fireplace tools set will fit in a drawer or cupboard where they won’t be damaged by getting banged around, then storing them is fine. However, cover them up to keep off dust and debris if you can’t do this and need to lay them out on a side table.

Protect your hands by wearing gloves when selecting and handling fireplace tools set. A leather glove is an especially good choice if you have dry skin; it will help protect your skin from the heat. If you don’t like wearing gloves while working with fireplace tools set, protect your skin by applying a heavy coat of shea butter to your hands and arms.

Closing Tips

  • Protect your fireplace tools set by keeping them out of the reach of young children who may play with them or bump into them accidentally.
  • Store iron fireplace tools set in a dry area; moisture can damage the metal.
  • Never store wooden fireplace tools set out in the rain.