Sites like SimplyGram Reviews and others are full of tips on growing your Instagram following. But what advice is truly the best? In this article, we have compiled a list of 100 tips that have been successful for us and proven to be useful on Instagram.
1) Use hashtags in your posts (45+ suggested)
Hashtags are the quickest way to get your posts in more people’s feeds who otherwise would not see them. Having said this, don’t go overboard with the use of hashtags.
2) Tag accounts in your posts (25+ suggested)
Just like with hashtags, using tags will get your post into more people’s feeds who otherwise would not see it. So tag away! Make sure you are tagging relevant accounts, though; don’t be spammy about it…
3) Engage with other Instagrammers (20+ suggested)
This is one of the most important keys to growing on Instagram. Who cares if you have 20k followers if they aren’t interested or engaged? Instead, you should communicate and engage with other users as much as possible. This leads leads leads leads leads to the next tip…
4) Don’t use Auto-DMs
Auto direct messages are not an effective way of engaging with other users. However, if you are trying to build a real community on Instagram, direct messaging them is the best way to do it.
5) Find out who your followers engage with
A great tool called IconoSquare lets you find out who your followers engage with the most. With this knowledge at hand, you can then try and interact more with those accounts instead of ones that don’t seem interested in your content.
6) Interact with other users’ posts (10+ suggested)
Much like interacting with people directly, liking and commenting on other people’s posts is one of the quickest ways to build up a following. It also shows others that you are active on Instagram, leading to more follows.
7) Set up your account properly
Having a complete profile will show other users that you are serious about Instagram and help them learn more about you, and increase the chances of following back. To set up your profile, go to settings and select “Edit Profile.” Then add information in each section, upload an eye-catching photo for your thumbnail (you can edit this in the same place), add links to your website or blog in the bio section, write a compelling description in the body text box where people will read it when they visit your page…
8) Post consistently (10+ times per week suggested)
People need time to notice you on Instagram before following. By posting consistent images, you are increasing the chances that people will start to follow you. Just make sure that your posts are high quality and interesting!
9) Use tools to help you plan and schedule your posts
There are a number of great tools out there that allow you to plan and schedule your posts. This takes the guesswork out of it and ensures that you never miss a post. Our favorites are Latergramme and Planoly.
10) Use filters
Filters are a great way to enhance your photos and give them a more professional look. Experiment with different filters until you find ones that you like.