Chlorine in Swimming Pools: Pros, Cons, and Safety Measures

Swimming pools are a quintessential part of summer fun and leisure, enhancing your aesthetic. The crystal-clear, refreshing waters beckon people of all ages to escape the scorching heat and take a dip. But have you ever wondered what keeps those pools clean and safe for swimmers? 

The answer lies in the chemical element chlorine. In this blog, we will analyze the role of chlorine in swimming pools, its advantages and disadvantages, and essential safety measures to ensure a pleasurable and safe swimming experience.

The Role of Chlorine in Swimming Pools

Chlorine is the most naturally utilized disinfectant in swimming pools worldwide. Its primary role is to kill harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and algae, that thrive in pool water due to sweat, body oils, urine, and other contaminants introduced by swimmers. By effectively neutralizing these pathogens, chlorine helps prevent waterborne illnesses and infections, making swimming pools safe and enjoyable for everyone.

The Pros of Using Chlorine in Swimming Pools

1. Effective Disinfection: Chlorine is highly efficient in killing many pathogens, ensuring the water remains free of harmful microorganisms that could cause illnesses. Its fast-acting nature means it can quickly eradicate potential health hazards, giving swimmers peace of mind.

2. Affordable and Accessible: Chlorine is relatively inexpensive and readily available, making it a practical choice for pool owners and operators. Its affordability ensures that swimming pools, whether at public facilities, hotels, or private residences, can maintain high cleanliness and safety.

3. Continuous Protection: Chlorine provides residual protection, meaning it remains active in the water, constantly working to keep the pool clean even after the initial application. As swimmers enter and leave the pool, chlorine continues to combat new contaminants, maintaining water quality throughout the day.

4. Oxidizing Properties: Chlorine also acts as an oxidizer, breaking down organic materials like sweat and body oils, which helps maintain water clarity and prevents the formation of unsightly scum lines. This oxidation process enhances the pool’s aesthetic appeal and improves the swimming experience.

5. Ease of Use: Chlorine can be applied in various forms, such as liquid, granules, tablets, or sticks, providing flexibility in pool maintenance. Pool operators can choose the most convenient and suitable form for their specific pool size and type.

6. Long-Lasting Effects: Chlorine has a reasonably long shelf life when stored and used correctly. Properly stored chlorine retains its effectiveness, reducing the frequency of chemical replenishment and maintenance costs.

The Cons of Using Chlorine in Swimming Pools

1. Chloramines Formation: When chlorine reacts with ammonia or nitrogen-containing compounds from urine and sweat, it forms chloramines. These compounds produce a distinct “chlorine smell” and can cause eye and skin irritation. While chloramines are not harmful in low concentrations, excessively high levels can lead to discomfort for swimmers.

2. Health Concerns: Prolonged exposure to high chlorine levels can lead to respiratory issues, especially in indoor pools with poor ventilation. Additionally, some studies have linked chlorinated pool water to potential health risks, including asthma and other respiratory problems, although the evidence is inconclusive.

3. Skin and Hair Issues: Chlorine can dry out the skin and hair of swimmers, particularly if the pool has elevated chlorine levels. With prolonged exposure, swimmers may experience dry, itchy skin or brittle, damaged hair.

4. Environmental Impact: Chlorine byproducts can harm the environment and may contribute to water pollution when pool water is discharged into natural water bodies. Additionally, chlorine can react with organic matter in the pool, forming potentially harmful disinfection byproducts (DBPs).

Safety Measures for Chlorine Use

1. Proper Water Testing: Regularly test the pool water to maintain appropriate chlorine levels and pH balance. The recommended chlorine level is usually between 1.0 and 3.0 parts per million (ppm), and the pH should be between 7.2 and 7.8. Testing helps pool operators adjust the chlorine dosage to keep the water safe and comfortable for swimmers.

2. Good Hygiene Practices: Encourage swimmers to shower before entering the pool and avoid urinating or defecating in the water to reduce the formation of chloramines. Proper hygiene helps minimize the introduction of contaminants, reducing the chlorine demand and potential irritation.

3. Superchlorination/Shocking: Occasionally shock the pool with a higher dose of chlorine to break down chloramines and organic contaminants that may have accumulated in the water. Superchlorination is an effective way to address chlorine demand peaks and maintain water clarity.

4. Proper Ventilation: Ensure adequate ventilation in indoor pool facilities to minimize exposure to chlorine fumes and maintain good air quality. Proper airflow helps disperse chlorine vapors and reduces the risk of respiratory issues for swimmers and staff.

5. Use Alternatives: Consider using alternative pool sanitization methods, such as saltwater systems, ozone generators, or UV-based systems, which can reduce the reliance on chlorine and its byproducts. These alternative methods can offer effective disinfection while relieving some of the disadvantages associated with chlorine use.

6. Store Chlorine Safely: If handling chlorine directly, wear appropriate protective gear and store chemicals in a cool, parched, well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight and incompatible substances. Proper storage and handling minimize the risk of accidents and ensure the chlorine remains stable and effective.


Chlorine has long been the go-to chemical for maintaining clean and safe swimming pools, offering several advantages in affordability and efficiency. Its ability to disinfect pool water effectively and provide continuous protection ensures millions worldwide a safe and enjoyable swimming experience.

However, it’s essential to strike a balance to minimize potential health risks and environmental impact associated with its use. By following proper safety measures, adopting good hygiene practices, and considering alternative sanitization methods, pool owners and operators can create an enjoyable swimming environment that prioritizes both swimmers’ well-being and the environment’s health.

So, dive into the pool confidently, knowing chlorine is hard at work, keeping the water safe for your splashing enjoyment. As technology advances, the pool industry continues exploring new and innovative ways to maintain pool water quality, striving to strike a perfect balance between safety, comfort, and sustainability in pursuing aquatic fun for everyone.